AGM 2022

Attention Owner Members,

Please note that the next AGM for Johnstown People’s Park will take place via Zoom on Monday 17th October 2022 at 8pm.

To access a link for same, please confirm your intention to attend by reply email to Fisher Property Management at, no later than Monday 10th October and include:

·       Your Full Name

·       Property Number

·       Contact Number

·       Email address

·       Any item that you wish to have raised on the agenda as part of AOB

·       Finally, please note that the board are keen to build upon the number of directors. With that in mind, we invite nominations, from contributing owner members, of up to two new directors. The latter should be willing to take up post if proposed, should be a paid up member, and be in attendance at the AGM.

Kind regards,

JPP Board

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